3 mins read

When Should Teens Start Thinking About College?

How early is too early to start thinking about college? The answer: It is never too early. Typically, educators throughout the United States tend to place the most emphasis of the college search and application process during a students junior and/or senior year of high school. But with colleges becoming more and more competitive and expensive, the reality is that families need to be thinking about college much earlier than the latter two year of high school.

4 mins read

Homework that WORKS!

A few weeks ago, the Wall Street Journal sent moms into a tizzy with the book review of the “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.” That story got more hits on their web site than any other ever had. Talk about hitting a nerve. Following were many rebuttals in defense of the “lazy Western moms.” What we really need is moderation.

4 mins read

Mac Games for Kids in Preschool

Playing computer games is an activity that your preschooler will enjoy. It also helps in your child’s learning development. Research published by the University of Rochester states that playing computer games could enhance a student’s selective attention. Preschoolers playing computer games can take advantage of the educational content presented in a playful way that makes learning attractive and fun. If you are a Mac family, you’ll find preschool computer games that are compatible with your Mac.