5 mins read

Simple Ideas to Organize Travel Plans

Travel can be many things. It can be an obligatory visit to your relatives home for the holidays. It can be a quick one-night getaway to the city to see a show and do some shopping. Or, it can be a week-long toes-in-the-sand vacation where you escape from everything just for a little bit. Whether youre packing the car or boarding the plane, travel planning requires some dotting of is and crossing of ts. Youll never be able to control the long line at airport security, but if you follow some general guidelines, you will be able to shape your next trip. Here are ten tips for trouble-free travel:

3 mins read

Games for Kids on Planes

Any experienced parent or frequent flier can tell you that you can’t just board a plane, kids in tow, and expect a smooth flight. You literally need a game plan. Kids are probably going to get bored during the flight and begin some sort of squirmy, kicking-the-seat-in-front, whiny behavior, unless you provide some entertainment. For the sake of your children and the other passengers, bring some games with you.

3 mins read

How to Plan a Successful Family Reunion

Family reunions are great fun, and they are a great way of reuniting the family and ensuring that everyone gets a chance to catch up. However, the person planning the family reunion can discover quickly how stressful this planning process can become. Below you’ll get step-by-step information on how to plan a successful family reunion.

4 mins read

5 Ways to Plan a Pool Party

Pool parties have an instant theme: fun in the water. The pool party can be enjoyed by children of all ages, with adult supervision. Whenever you are planning a pool party, it’s important to have a back-up plan. When the party is held at a home or at a public place where no reservations are needed, schedule a rain date and include that information on the pool party invitations. If you plan to have the party rain or shine, be prepared by having a party room set up indoors.

4 mins read

Christmas in July: It’s Never Too Early to Get Organized!

There is sand in your shoes and ice cream melting on the back porch. As you pack the cooler and the boogie board for a trip to the beach, the last thing on your mind right now is stuffing stockings. Christmas may be many months away, but the summer can be a great time of the year to nab some extra time to plan ahead. Work has slowed down, schools are closed, and most people have a little extra time in their schedules. Little things, such as checking your address list for changes so you wont be panicked for Uncle Bobs new address in Florida, can make a surprisingly big difference later. Another bonus to planning ahead? Money savings. These days, most of us are looking for ways to save a few bucks, so if you start crafting your gift list, you can pick up items that might be on sale. If you make your list now, youll even have the time to check it twice!