3 mins read

10 Ways to Celebrate Your Dog for National Dog Week

This post is a sponsored conversation with Beneful. Who can you count on to always be there for you? Who gets unbelievably excited to see you when you get home (even if you just forgot your phone and run back in the house after having left 2 minutes before)? Who listens to all your problems…

5 mins read

Why Puppy Rearing Is More Difficult Than Raising A Child

So you have done it. You have personally been responsible for keeping a child (or children) alive. That in itself is an amazing feat since just a few years prior you could barely even be held accountable for doing your own laundry. Now your kids are begging and begging (did I mention the constant begging?)…

2 mins read

The Poopy Puppy

When I got talked into getting a dog almost 2 years ago, I really didn’t know what I was getting myself into. Growing up, I had never had a dog. Heck, I don’t think I had ever properly petted a dog.  But I signed up, got our puppy and, honestly, I can’t imagine our family…

3 mins read

Child & Dog Safety Tip: Beware of Danger Zones

Dogs are den animals. They derive a sense of security and safety from small places. What does that mean to you, the dog owner? There are places in your home that can become a place of possessiveness without you even knowing it. All dog owners, no matter what size of dog, should be aware of…