3 mins read

Top 10 Kid’s Birthday Party Games

While the purpose of a birthday party is to celebrate the honoree’s special day, events of this nature are not nearly as enjoyable if the celebration doesn’t also include an assortment of engaging games. Birthday games give party guests the opportunity to test their skills and show their abilities to their peers. Whether planning tried-and-true games, or going with a less common option, adding games to your next birthday event can lead to even more party-time fun and laughter.

3 mins read

3-Year-Old Birthday Party Ideas

Planning your 3-year-old’s birthday party is going to be a bit different than the first or second, because your toddler can likely grasp the concept of her birthday now. Use something that your child enjoys or loves as the theme or inspiration for her party to ensure she has a memorable birthday experience.

3 mins read

Cool Ideas for a 15th Birthday Party

Fifteenth birthdays are sometimes overlooked with all the focus on a “sweet 16.” Plan a celebration for your 15-year-old that’s cool and fun for her and her friends as each birthday for a teen is another steppingstone to adulthood. Expand on something your teen is already into, or help her plan something new and exciting.

2 mins read

Alternatives to Having a First Birthday Party

First birthday parties are great, but let’s be honest–that little guest of honor is not going to remember the day. It may not make the most sense to invest in a party for someone who will most likely not be able to stay awake for the whole event. If a first birthday doesn’t make sense for your family, choose an alternative way to celebrate.

3 mins read

50th Birthday Surprise Party Ideas

Ease the pain of turning 50 by throwing a loved one a surprise party. While planning a surprise birthday party is a great deal of fun, making sure it remains a surprise for the birthday person can be a bit tricky. Keep the birthday person in the dark by doing the party planning away from home and by not leaving any evidence laying about.