3 mins read

Cool Ideas for a 35th Birthday Party

Turning 35 can be a blessing for some and a curse for others. Some people are glad that they have not yet hit 40, while others realize they are halfway through their 30s. No matter what a person’s thoughts are about turning 35, make her birthday a little happier by throwing a party.

2 mins read

Funny Games for 30th Birthday

A 30th birthday is not always the happiest day in a person’s life. Some sink happily into the next decade of their lives, while others go in fighting. Bring some laughter and lightness to the party of your soon-to-be 30-year-old loved one. Plan some games that will get everyone giggling and bring a certain levity to the whole affair.

3 mins read

2-Year-Old Birthday Party Ideas

Children grow up quickly. It may seem like only yesterday that you gave birth to your baby, and now she’s becoming a toddler. Throw her a birthday party, but keep in mind that toddlers are different from older children. Keep the party small and simple so that your 2-year-old doesn’t feel overwhelmed by all the guests and activities.

2 mins read

Birthday Party Ideas For 9-Year-Old Boys

Most boys who are turning 9 have firm ideas of acceptable and enjoyable party themes, activities, locations and guests. They may only want their birthday at the party place their friends like, or have a specific cartoon or superhero they want represented in the decorations. Work with your son to plan a party that accommodates his interests but also falls under your approval.

4 mins read

1st Birthday Party Ideas for Twins

Planning your twins’ first birthday party isn’t much different than any other first birthday party, except there are two babies to celebrate. Two 1-year-olds are a bit more demanding, as each child has her own personality and preferences, so find something in the middle to keep them both happy. Keep things simple for yourself so that you can enjoy this milestone event with each child.