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1st Birthday Party Ideas

Selecting the perfect theme for your child’s first birthday party is an exciting decision. While the birthday child won’t remember the party, your memories and the photos of the event last a lifetime. A theme allowing for engaging activities provides all of the young guests at the first birthday party to have an enjoyable and memorable time.

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Boys Birthday Party Ideas

The secret to a successful party for boys is plenty of activity and very little, if any, downtime. Use the birthday boy’s interests as a starting point for coming up with a party theme; in fact, most kids like being in on the planning of a party more than they like being surprised. An activity-filled party, along with some hearty fare, will result in fun-filled memories for both the birthday celebrant and his guests.

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How to Organize a Birthday Scavenger Hunt

Years ago it was a common practice to send kids out into the neighborhood on their own, even at night, for a scavenger hunt adventure. Today scavenger hunts are still a popular birthday party activity, but parents need to take certain precautions and make some arrangements ahead of time to assure kids’ safety. With this in mind, a scavenger hunt can make for an entertaining and memorable birthday party for kids in elementary and middle school.

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DIY Birthday Party Invitations

Whether you need tasteful invitations for an adult get-together or themed ones for a child’s party, you have options for do-it-yourself birthday party invitations. Buying quality invitations can be expensive, and they might not fit with the party theme. Making your own birthday party invitations is the solution. You can pick a method of inviting guests and the materials that meet your needs, ranging from handmade paper-crafted invitations to printed ones to e-vites.

2 mins read

How to Host a Princess Birthday Party

Many little girls will choose a princess birthday party. Planning your own princess party at home is easy and affordable, especially if hosted at home. A princess party can be appropriate for girls from ages 2 to 8, depending upon personality and tastes. Gear activities and party favors to the girls’ ages and abilities, as well as the location and season. Invitations