2 mins read

Healthy Preschool Birthday Party Cakes

Preschoolers get so excited for birthday parties. Whether it is their own or a friend’s birthday, that big day spreads a special energy among a preschooler and his peers. During that exciting time, choose a reasonably healthy cake option that will provide your little one with some nutrients instead of just a truck full of sugar.

2 mins read

8th Birthday Party Ideas

Make your child’s 8th birthday an event to cherish with a singular theme, decorations, activities, food and entertainment. You can invite family, friends and neighbors for a major birthday bash or just have a couple of friends over for a slumber party or an outing to the amusement park. Include your child in the decision-making so that the birthday party reflects his unique interests.

2 mins read

Age 11 Birthday Party Ideas

When children turn 11, they often enjoy celebrating birthdays with extended family and friends, though not necessarily at the same time. Consult with your tween about managing the guest list or having a few celebrations, and then brainstorm a special 11th birthday party. Whether you invite family or not, make sure you or another responsible adult stays present for the duration of the party.

2 mins read

Activity Ideas for a 3-Year-Old’s Birthday Party

A child’s third birthday brings excitement for the child and the parents. A 3-year-old realizes that his birthday likely means a party, presents and time with his friends. Organized activities are often a sanity-saver for you as the host. Keeping the activities simple makes planning easier for you and ensures that all of the young party guests can participate.

3 mins read

9-Year-Old Birthday Party Ideas

Planning a party for a group of high-energy 9-year-olds is enough to keep any mom up at night. While it may seem that keeping these kids entertained and happy may be next to impossible, with proper planning, you may find that the task not as challenging as you initially anticipated. By selecting a theme appropriate for your kid, and taking steps to reduce the difficulty associated with the party planning and implementation process, you can make your kid’s party just as much fun for you as it is for her.