3 mins read

Easy Christmas Cake Decorations

Christmas can be a hectic, busy time of the year, even if it is enjoyable. Simplify everything you can, such as decorating a cake, as there are probably other things you could be doing. Spend that extra time with your loved ones, rather than decorating a cake that will be devoured in a matter of minutes.

3 mins read

Christmas Games to Play After Dinner

After the second helpings of ham and mashed potatoes have been passed around the dinner table, you can keep the Christmas camaraderie going. Without even getting up from the table, family members and friends can play a variety of Christmas games designed to promote interaction and laughter. You might consider serving the dessert between some of the games.

3 mins read

Christmas Fun Games for Kids

Many children count Christmas among their favorite holidays. During this season, kids delight in dreaming of Santa landing on their rooftops. They love the idea of purchasing or making their own presents to give their friends and family members. By planning games for your kids to enjoy, you can make this time of year even more magical.

3 mins read

Christmas Holiday Games for Kids

Christmas usually brings entire families together. It can be a great time to catch up with the siblings, nieces and nephews you don’t see too often. While it’s usually an exciting time for children, you should be prepared with ways to keep them entertained when the family isn’t eating, going to services or opening presents. Keep your children and their cousins occupied by showing them how to play a few Christmas-themed games.

3 mins read

Holiday and Christmas Games for Kids

Sharing the holiday and Christmas season with the family is a long-standing tradition, followed by many families of various cultures. Everyone looks forward to to celebrating these special days together. Since children often attend these gatherings with their parents, it’s important to plan holiday and Christmas games they can enjoy throughout the day.