4 mins read

How to Recite the Three Hanukkah Blessings

A Hanukkah primer for the blessings over the candles Hanukkah is one of the most festive Jewish holidays, filled with joyous traditions, gifts, games and delicious foods like potato latkes, donuts and chocolate coins. Whats not to like? The Hanukkah story in a nutshell:

3 mins read

How to Spend Less on Holiday Gifts!

Buying holiday gifts doesn’t have to wipe you out, mentally or financially. The best advice we can offer you for spending less and easing the stress of buying holiday gifts this year is to GET ORGANIZED. Here are some tips to getting your holiday gift lists organized so you can not only keep your sanity at the end of the day, but some pocket cash, too!

3 mins read

Hanukah Hostess Gifts

Youre going to a Hanukkah party and want to show the hostess how much you appreciate the invitation, but you might find yourself wondering what kind of hostess gift to bring. Here are plenty of ideas – enough that you could use a different one each day of the eight-day-long celebration if necessary. Set the Table

4 mins read

Breaking Difficult News To Your Kids Over The Holidays

Holidays with family are supposed to be joyous, right? Especially the ones we’re heading into right now. Well, like so many parenting myths, not always. Our parental instinct is to protect kids from bad news, at the holidays and at all times. But sometimes, it’s better to teach our kids how to handle challenging news.…

3 mins read

Dreidel Game for Kids

Perhaps the best-known Jewish toy, the dreidel–a spinning top traditionally made of wood–has a place in the homes of Jewish children around the world. Most often played for chocolate coins called “gelt,” or M&Ms for those whose sweet tooth overrules concern for historical accuracy, the dreidel reminds Jews of the Hanukkah story’s miracle of the oil.