3 mins read

How to Plan for Your Best Christmas Holiday Season

Preparing in advance for the holidays may seem silly to some. However, people who are well prepared for the holidays will not have a financial blow when they are trying to purchase Christmas presents, decorations, and food at the last minute. Planning in advance can help avoid the temptation to use credit cards, or take part in a Holiday shopping frenzy. Preparing for Christmas should be done every month of the year. Here are some easy tips that you can use to help you create a fabulous Christmas.

1 min read

How to Avoid Holiday Shopping the Last Minute

Some people find the thrill shopping for holiday gifts at the last minute. But there are others that run around with their heads cut off like a chicken trying to get to one of the few last gifts that is in the store before midnight. Save the stress and cramped time by following these simple steps.

1 min read

Green Bean Casserole – Thanksgiving Style

When serving Thanksgiving dinner there are tons of ways to make classic Thanksgiving recipes. You can multi-task during the cooking process, with this alternative way to make a green bean casserole. While using the oven to cook, use the stove top to make this delicious side dish! Stove Top Style