2 mins read

Homemade Birthday Present Ideas for Moms

Homemade presents are the most precious to moms. When someone takes the effort and care to make something, moms can see that the gift took both thought and time. Making gifts at home can be done by recycling items already in the home and giving them new life, or by making a gift from scratch, using arts and crafts supplies, sewing materials or small wooden objects that can be decorated. Remember to include a homemade greeting card with the present.

4 mins read

Garden Theme Parties

Garden parties can be formal or whimsical, for families, for children or for adults. Customize these themes to accommodate adult or youth guests, or a combination of the two. Practice healthy food safety for any garden party and keep cold foods chilled and hot foods hot. Check food temperatures and freshness often, and remove any questionable food items. Serve garden party foods in stages rather than presenting all of the dishes at once, to ensure freshness. Keep garden party guests hydrated with plenty of liquids. When hosting a garden party without an awning or tents, plan a rain date or have a backup plan if the party needs to be moved indoors.

1 min read

Cute Cheap Birthday Ideas for Him

Celebrating a birthday on a budget does not have to mean cheap beer and frozen pizza. There are many ways to make the day special, from choosing a unique location to serving a favorite food. Before you worry about cutting costs for the celebration, remember that the key ingredient to a happy birthday is having loved ones nearby to congratulate the birthday guy.

1 min read

Unique Birthday Ideas for Men

While having a birthday cake and a party of friends and family is a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday, sometimes you or the birthday guy want something a little bit different. Maybe he prefers something more exclusive or wants to party in an offbeat location. Fortunately, there are several unique ways to celebrate men’s birthdays.

2 mins read

Children’s Birthday Party Etiquette

No matter if you are throwing a children’s party or attending one, there are certain etiquette rules that should be followed so that feelings are not hurt and everyone has fun. Here are some answers to the most common etiquette questions for children’s parties, such as what to do with extra guests and who to invite and how to deal with it all gracefully.