2 mins read

Homemade Granola Bars

You pick the kids up from school and they’re starving – but you don’t want to feed them junk or ruin their appetite for dinner. So what’s a mom to do? If you want to give your little ones a healthy and tasty treat, whip up a batch of these homemade granola bars! Jessie Jane from Lilyshop shares a special recipe for a snack that’s so much better than the store bought bars! Ingredients

3 mins read

Artichoke White Bean Ravioli Recipe [Vegan]

Sundays are a day I like to lounge around the house, unwind, turn off the phone and computer, spend quality time with my family, and occasionally make a special dinner. Having a quiet day is essential to my happiness. I love the idea of Sunday dinner, where you spend a little more time and love making a meal for your family. It is great to do it on a day you dont have a million places to go, and you can really relax, get creative, have a glass of wine (if youre like me) and be present.

3 mins read

Put a Fresh Twist on Your Favorite Summer Treats

Summer treats used to be so simple – cold drinks and frosty ice pops are the delicacies of childhood. Suddenly though, theres been a rush to make food well, fancier than it once was. Summer food is no longer about perfecting the classics, but about making them as exotic as possible. As the song goes, “you think you fancy, huh?” Well if so, here are some of our favorite fancified versions of typical summer goodies: 1. DIY Fruit Pops are the New Popsicles