6 mins read

Spicy Quinoa Meatballs With White Wine Sauce

The following recipe was originally published onRebelGrain.com. Visit the website for more great ideas and cooking tips!Ive been wanting to come up with a meatball recipe for some time and last night I finally did it.No, I didnt grow up with meatballs; meatballs are not a Guamanian sort of thing. They are, however, protein packed powerhouses andthatis why they appeal to me. (Theres no better …

4 mins read

Cooking Projects for Kids

If you want your children to eat a healthy, nutritious diet, there is probably no better way than to include them in the cooking process whenever possible. Most children are interested in the kitchen, especially if they see mom in there. Look at any toy store for proof of cooking’s popularity with children as evidenced by the kitchen sets, fake foods and even the classic Easy-Bake Oven. By including your children in the cooking process, you will not only be bonding with them but you will also be teaching your children lifelong eating habits.

3 mins read

How to Make a Hand-Thrown Pizza

Homemade pizza usually does not taste as good as the pie you get at a local pizzeria. Pizza made at home typically has two factors working against it. A home oven simply does not get as hot as a wood oven at a pizzeria, and the dough used by home cooks usually is not prepared properly. To get a light, crispy pizza crust, you need to make the dough correctly. Use bread flour instead of all-purpose and toss the dough instead of rolling it to see an improvement in your pizza.