2 mins read

Creative Toddler Snacks

Make creative toddler snacks that keep his imagination soaring and his body healthy. Healthy snacks can be assembled at home, with ingredients you already have on hand. Combine foods in interesting ways and build snacks into familiar shapes or activities, including a picnic. Toddlers can eat 1,000 to 1,400 calories per day, according to the Nemours Foundation. Making the snacks both healthy and playful will help toddlers get the nutrition they need, and have fun while eating them.

4 mins read

Simple, Healthy Recipes for Dinner

Simple and healthy often don’t go together when it comes to entrees. But you don’t need elaborate recipes to make healthy food taste good. Discover three simple, healthy lunch dishes that use whole grains, nutritious fish, vegetables and monounsaturated fats–and taste fantastic. The two vegetarian options also please meat-lovers, and you can make any of the dishes low fat by using less oil. Whichever option you choose, in less than an hour you’ll be serving up a tasty lunch your family will ask for again.

4 mins read

Healthy Recipes on a Budget

You want to fix healthy meals for your family. Is that so much to ask? Happily, the ingredients for healthy meals—organic foods, whole grains and healthy fats—are readily available in even the regular supermarkets. There’s only one problem: those nutritious super foods can get pricey. When you’re on a budget, the secret to fixing healthy recipes is going for simple meals with fewer ingredients, using seasonal produce, buying quality fats like extra virgin olive oil or virgin coconut oil in bulk, using cooking methods that make the most of the protein, vitamins and other nutrients and purchasing the cheaper grains, like brown rice, whole wheat and oats. Here’s a day of energizing, great-tasting healthy recipes for the budget-conscious.

2 mins read

Healthy After School Snacks

Healthy after school snacks are an important part of a child’s day. The USDA suggests that children between the ages of six and twelve should eat at least two of the following items each day after school in their after school snacks: dairy, meat, fruit or vegetables and a grain. These snacks give your children the energy and brain power they need to finish their homework and perform well in their extracurricular activities.