3 mins read

Cooking Games for Kids

Turn meal time into game time, and make cooking fun by playing a cooking game with your children. With a bit of creativity, you can invent cooking games that make the task more enjoyable for both of you. Cooking with a child is a great way to help him learn to measure, handle a knife and demonstrate basic science to him.

4 mins read

Cooking Projects for Kids

If you want your children to eat a healthy, nutritious diet, there is probably no better way than to include them in the cooking process whenever possible. Most children are interested in the kitchen, especially if they see mom in there. Look at any toy store for proof of cooking’s popularity with children as evidenced by the kitchen sets, fake foods and even the classic Easy-Bake Oven. By including your children in the cooking process, you will not only be bonding with them but you will also be teaching your children lifelong eating habits.