Category: Fashion/Beauty
How to Use Homemade Skin Treatments
Many homemade beauty recipes are quick and easy to prepare. You can make them yourself in your own kitchen. The best part is that they cost less than commercial skin care products. In addition to saving money, there are numerous benefits to using natural ingredients, many of which you probably already have in your pantry. But be sure not to use any ingredients that you might be allergic to, especially if you have sensitive skin.
How to Buy Eco-Friendly Clothes
If you are hoping to make eco-friendly clothing choices for your family, shopping can pose challenges. There are multiple issues involved in choosing eco-friendly clothes, including fibers, production and marketing. However, purchasing eco-friendly clothes provides the opportunity for your children and yourself to be smart, sustainable and practical.
How to Apply Eyeliner
Skillfully lined eyes can make a big difference in the overall effectiveness of any makeup application. Eyes will look larger and more awake when eyeliner is used. Applied correctly, eyeliner can define the eyes while working to enhance any other eye makeup products that are utilized.
How to Wear a Head Scarf
Head scarves are a trendy and stylish accessory. They are also a great way to manage a bad hair day, deal with bangs or growing out layers, or add color and style to any outfit. There are several ways to wear a head scarf, depending on the shape of the scarf and what you would like as a final look, whether fresh and trendy or classic and chic. Choose the right one to make the most of this trend.
How to Get Fuller Lips
Stars such as Angelina Jolie and Megan Fox have brought full, plump lips into the spotlight. If you covet fuller lips, there are many ways to either fake the look or make your lips semi-permanently plump, and you can get the look without going broke, too. So get out your mirror and decide just how plump you want your future lips to be.