3 mins read

How to Lose Belly Fat After a C-Section

Your baby’s been delivered via C-section and is growing healthily. You’ve lost most of your pregnancy weight, and most parts of your body have returned to normal. Now, however, you are struggling to lose the extra belly fat you gained during your pregnancy. It takes time for your stomach to go back to its usual size after pregnancy, so patience is key. According to BabyCenter, your uterus will shrink back to its pre-pregnancy size about a month after the baby is born. Breast feeding will also help you shed the extra fat, as will cutting back on calories and exercising.

3 mins read

Post C-Section Weight Loss

For many women, giving birth means reclaiming their bodies and shedding the extra weight. However, doctors warn against crash diets or rigorous exercise programs directly after delivery. This is especially true if you had a baby via c-section. Dr. Laura Riley, spokeswoman for the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, and an expert on high-risk pregnancies at Massachusetts General Hospital, notes in an article by Colette Bouchez that new moms should have realistic expectations regarding their postpartum weight loss.

1 min read

How to Exercise After a C-Section

Now that your baby is in your arms, you might be ready to rid your body of those excess pounds you needed to carry your baby. If you had a cesarean section, you know the additional restraints you have that are keeping you from exercise. The surgery’s effects and pain are intense reminders of the warnings from your doctor to take it easy. If you are starting to feel antsy and ready to get back to working out, look for exercises that won’t put too much pressure on your delicate abdominal muscles. Slow, steady exercise is your key to success while you wait for your body to fully heal.