1 min read

Breast Cancer Awareness

As you all must already know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. We here at MommyTLC are dedicated to doing our part to help find a cure for cancer, so this month we’re doing something special.

3 mins read

Calculate Your Breast Cancer Risk

When calculating your personal breast cancer risk, consider any factors that may increase your risk of developing the disease. While certain factors may increase your risk more than others, the National Cancer Institute estimates that 5 to 10 percent of all women with breast cancer had a strong family history of the disease. Although there is no absolute way to determine if you will get breast cancer, being aware of the risk factors and making some lifestyle changes may help reduce the risk of developing the disease.

3 mins read

How to Support a Friend Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

Most of us have a family member, friend, coworker or acquaintance who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. These women and men need our encouragement and support. But even when people want to help, they don’t always know how. The hard part is realizing that a friend is frightened and in shock, and that ignoring the situation won’t make it go away. While a warm hug and a smile may be all it takes to lift a friend’s spirits on a bad day, there are other ways to help a friend with breast cancer get through the tougher moments.

2 mins read

How to Detect Breast Cancer Early

When it comes to breast cancer, early detection is the best protection. When treatment begins before breast cancer has spread beyond its initial site, the five-year survival rate is almost 100 percent, according to the American Cancer Society. If the cancer has spread to nearby lymph nodes, the five-year survival rate is still higher than 80 percent. In marked contrast, if breast cancer is not found until it has spread to other organs, the five-year survival rate falls to 20 percent.