3 mins read

Teenage Ovarian Cancer

Few parents ever entertain the notion that their teen will have to deal with cancer before reaching adulthood; however, in some cases they unfortunately do. Teenage girls can and do develop ovarian cancer each year. If caught early, cancer of this type is highly treatable, making it vital that you watch for signs of ovarian cancer and respond to any potential symptoms that you observe immediately.

2 mins read

Vitamins for Tiredness in Women

For moms, it can be a challenge to keep up with kids. Once your baby begins walking — and don’t forget running — keeping up can become more of a challenge. Being tired can complicate the matter even further. While you can’t bottle your child’s energy, you can find vitamins designed to help you combat tiredness. Be sure to review your plans to take vitamins with your physician.

2 mins read

Symptoms of the First Genital Herpes Episode

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly one out of six Americans between the ages of 14 and 49 is infected with genital herpes. Many, however, are not aware they have the infection since identifiable symptoms do not occur with each person. When symptoms do appear with a first genital herpes episode, they typically remain for up to 4 weeks and may reappear as outbreaks several times throughout the first year of infection.

3 mins read

Medical Benefits of Meditation

Meditation, the art of tuning the mind out of normal, conscious thought and into a relaxed state of awareness, is becoming increasingly popular in Western culture, and it’s about time. Meditation has been an integral part of Eastern life and religion for centuries. Health professionals report that people who make meditation a regular part of their lives experience a wide range of neurological, emotional, cardiovascular and immune system benefits. Specific types of meditation have also been identified as being particularly healthful for pregnant women.

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What Are the Benefits of Meditation?

Meditation is often recommended for those suffering from physical or mental ailments. But it can benefit anyone, regardless of health. There are different types of meditation, so finding a strategy that works for you is critical to reap the full benefits of meditation. After meditating, you should feel calm, centered and relaxed. You should feel rested and ready to move on with your daily activities. Whether you suffer from high blood pressure, respiratory issues, physical pain, or simply mental stress and fatigue, meditation can help improve your quality of life.