4 mins read

Is It A Cold Or Allergies?

“Tissue mommy! I need a tissue!!” Your child comes running at you, with double-barreled boogies from both nostrils. Ugh. It’s definitely that time of the year! But, come late winter/early spring, it can be tough to know if it’s due to a cold, or allergies. Which is why I’m always being asked by moms around…

4 mins read

What’s Scarier Than The Sex Talk? Talking About Food & Weight!

Would you rather talk to your teen daughter about her sex life or her weight? If you chose the former, you’re not alone: anew study released this month by WebMD showed that nearly 22% of parents are uncomfortable discussing the dangers of being overweight with their kids, compared to only 12% of parents who feel uncomfortable discussing sex with their teenager.