2 mins read

Male Fertility Tips

Men make up half of the equation in baby making, and it’s important for them to do their part in improving fertility. According to the Mayo Clinic, men are the sole cause for infertility in 20 percent of cases, while 30 to 40 percent of infertility cases are related to both the man and woman. There are things that men can do to boost their fertility naturally.

3 mins read

Can You Get Pregnant Without Menstruating?

It’s easy to think that you can’t get pregnant if you’re not having a regular menstrual cycle. It makes perfect sense that if you’re not having periods, you’re not fertile. The truth is that whether or not you can become pregnant depends on why you’re not menstruating and if you’re ovulating. Even if you’re not having regular periods, you could become pregnant and should use birth control to prevent pregnancy unless you’re trying to conceive.