2 mins read

When Can a Baby Hear in the Womb ?

A baby develops the ability to hear sounds at about 18 weeks into the pregnancy, according to MayoClinic.com. The uterus, though snug and warm, is not soundproof. In fact, your baby can hear — and respond to — a wide range of sounds, from those your body makes to sounds outside your womb.

2 mins read

Post-Pregnancy Headaches

After you’ve delivered your baby, you may think that the rough part is over and that your body will return to normal over the next few months. In most cases, this will be true. But the fluctuation of hormones after you give birth can trigger headaches. You may also experience a headache if you chose to receive an epidural during delivery.

4 mins read

Tricks to Get Pen Stains Out of Light Clothes

Pen stains on your clothes are bad enough, but they’re truly horrifying when they happen to your lighter clothes. We all know the feeling of seeing a dark blue or black splotch on that white shirt that we loved. Fortunately, pen stains don’t have to mark the end for even the lightest of clothing. There…

3 mins read

How Does IVF Work?

“In vitro,” which means “in glass,” is a procedure in which a woman’s eggs are fertilized with a man’s sperm outside the body. There are many reasons why a couple might consider IVF (in vitro fertilization): blocked fallopian tubes, lack of response to infertility medication, low sperm count or sperm that are slow, or unexplained infertility. One cycle of IVF can take anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 months and, according to the Center for Human Reproduction, is successful about 50 percent of the time.