3 mins read

How to Mix Cereal to Feed a Baby

While the commonly recommended time to introduce solids to a baby is 6 months or later, some babies, including premature babies, may need more than breast milk or formula at 4 months. The pediatrician may recommend that you introduce solids in the form of baby-food vegetables or cereal into the baby’s diet. A baby who is ready to start eating solid foods will start to show interest in the foods you eat, and you will notice him watching you as eat.

3 mins read

How Long Can a Baby Be in a Baby Swing?

Baby swings are a convenient way to soothe or entertain a baby. They come in a wide range of styles, from small, portable swings to elaborate swings that rock in all directions. The rhythmic, back-and-forth motion of a swing calms babies. Although there are many benefits to using a baby swing, there are also some things to take into consideration when deciding how often and for how long to use it.

2 mins read

Stool Color in Babies

Parenthood brings with it many new worries, including the color of your baby’s stools. With numerous diaper changes on an average day, most parents see a variety of stool colors. The changes cause alarm in some new parents. A range of stool colors are possible, but some colors could signal an underlying problem.

4 mins read

How Do I Get My Baby to Go to Sleep Without the Pacifier?

Most babies are born with a strong desire to suck. In fact, some babies suck their thumbs or fingers while they are in the womb. In addition to sucking for nutritional purposes, sucking can have a soothing effect on babies. For this reason, many parents use a pacifier to help their baby to fall asleep. Fortunately, for parents who want to break the pacifier habit, there are other ways to help a baby go to sleep.

2 mins read

What to Feed Newborn Babies

The nutrition a newborn receives during his first several months of life are vital to his growth and development. As a doting mom, you can set him on a healthy path by carefully selecting foods packed with nutrients and appropriate for his developing digestive system. As you plan your newborn’s daily menus, consider the nutrient benefit of each newborn’s food you select.