2 mins read

How to Potty Train Little Boys

Little boys take longer to potty train than little girls, though doctors still aren’t entirely sure of the reason, reports the Baby Center website. This may make your job more difficult, but you can be sure that one day, your son will get the hang of it. Customize your approach to fit your son’s needs and interests. If he’s excited about using the potty, there’s a better chance that he’ll want to use it. This makes your job a great deal easier.

3 mins read

How Do Children Overcome a Fear of Water?

While the water proves an enticing playground to some children, others harbor a fear of water that makes the same shallow pool seem like a dangerous place for play. If your child is aquaphobic, or has a fear of water, you can help him overcome it. By both considering the reasons behind this fear, and dedicating yourself to the task of helping him overcome it, you can transform your water-shy kid into an aqua-loving little swimmer.

6 mins read

How To Survive (And Defuse) Your Toddler’s Worst Tantrums

Before I got married I had six theories about raising children; now, I have six children and no theories. John WilmontThe toddler tornado has hit my home. There are two whirlwinds now. One two and one four. They compete over toys, food, affection and when it suits them, combine their energies into one giant parent-trap storm.When my two-year old was younger, my husband and I praised our daughters strong nature and joked …

3 mins read

Infected Pierced Ears in Children

While earrings can make your little girls’ ear lobes more beautiful, if they are untended to, these piercings can become a source of infection. To ensure that your child’s earrings remain a thing of beauty, and not a source of pain, check her ears for infection regularly. If your child is old enough to monitor her own ear health, allow her to play a part by teaching her both how to spot, and how to avoid, ear piercing-related infections.

2 mins read

Toddler Fever Treatments

Fevers go hand-in-hand with an illness and are a sign that your body’s immune system is fighting an infection. This doesn’t make it any easier to watch your little one suffering with a fever, though. By taking proper care of her when she’s sick, you can ensure that she’ll be playing again in no time.