6 mins read

Fertility: One Mom's True Story

It had been two long weeks since the embryo transfer and I was anxiously awaiting a call from the doctor in California (who had done the procedure) with my blood test results. Everything we had been doing and working toward for the past three months had come down to the results the doctor was due to call with at any moment. I was driving myself crazy with worry, wondering what was taking him so long. That morning I was the first person in and out of the lab in Houston for blood work, the results just had to be in.

1 min read

Getting Off the Birth Control Patch

For many women, the birth control patch is a convenient and easy way to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. For you, however, it is not working out. Perhaps you have a skin reaction to the glue that keeps it in place. It could be that you have a difficult time remembering to change it once a week, or maybe you and your partner have decided it is time to start a family. Getting off the birth control patch can be done with some planning.

3 mins read

How to Shop for School Supplies on a Budget

Getting kids ready for the new school year can take a bite out of your household budget, and–if you have more than one child–it can turn into a financial crisis. Learning how to shop for school supplies on a budget is an important step in easing the strain when money is tight. It lessens or eliminates having to tell your child you can’t afford the supplies he wants and needs. Once you master the process, you’ll find yourself using the basic concepts in your other shopping categories, and the savings will multiply throughout the year.

3 mins read

Relaxing Hair While Pregnant

Pregnancy can leave many women feeling less than glamorous, so it’s not uncommon for them to want to pay special attention to their overall beauty regime. Although some women might not otherwise think twice about visiting the salon for a new look, others might question the effects of chemical hair relaxers on their developing babies while pregnant. Although there is not a lot of research to indicate chemical hair relaxers are explicitly dangerous, most health-care providers exercise caution when advising pregnant patients as to whether the process is completely safe.

5 mins read

How Long to Nurse a Child

If you’re breastfeeding, it’s important to know how long to nurse your child so as to get the optimal health benefit for your baby. Most current research on the health benefits of breastfeeding centers on the first six months to a year of life. After this point, the medical data on extended breastfeeding–breastfeeding beyond a year old–tapers off, and the decision to breastfeed becomes a personal one.