3 mins read

Tween Depression

While many parents are eager to discount periods of tween sadness as a mild case of the grumpies, they should not be overly dismissive of these behaviors, as tweens are being diagnosed with depression in increasing numbers. The reason for the rise in prevalence of tween depression is unknown; however, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry reports that this seeming increase is real and that parents should be even more vigilant and watchful for signs of potential depression to ensure that their tweens do not fall victim to bouts of depression.

2 mins read

Teen Bipolar Treatment

Bipolar disorder is a potentially debilitating mental illness that impacts the sufferer’s ability to exercise control over his moods. While this disorder is most commonly seen in adult patients, some bipolar sufferers begin to exhibit signs of the malady as early as childhood or teen years. Because teens are commonly already so sensitive and emotionally driven, this disorder’s impact on teen sufferers can be even more acute than it is upon adults.