2 mins read

Pregnancy Diet Tips for a Developing Baby

Overview When youre pregnant, your babys sole source of nourishment is you. What you eat dramatically impacts his growth, weight, brain and organ development. While you need about 300 extra calories a day to help sustain your pregnancy (more if youre expecting multiples), dont use them …

3 mins read

Helping our Children Appreciate What They Have

There is no better time than in the midst of a global economic crisis to re-evaluate our financial priorities; especially when we are a generation of parents who are raising children in an age where electronics change and become obsolete almost the minute we have purchased something and walk …

18 mins read

Why Homeschool?

LIKE most parents, I had always looked forward to the day when my children would finally enter school. During those early years of infancy and toddlerhood, when mothering feels like such a full-time job, I would assure myself that I would have a glimpse of my old life back …