3 mins read

Brown Spots in Pregnancy

Many women anticipate pregnancy as a time when their hair and nails grow at record pace and their skin practically glows. So it comes as quite a shock when they look in the mirror to see dark, blotchy brown spots reflected back at them. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, more than 90 percent of all pregnant women experience some skin discoloration.

3 mins read

Birth Control Methods for Christians

Birth control and family planning are an important part of creating the family you hope for, whether you are in the first years of your marriage or reaching the end of your fertility. Faith may play a role in your contraceptive choices, regardless of your denomination. Consider your own preferences, your spiritual beliefs and religious counsel, your health and your lifestyle when selecting the right birth control method.

3 mins read

How to Prevent Pregnancy Stretchmarks

For many women, pregnancy stretch marks are a natural part of having children. Some doctors, like Marjorie Greenfield, M.D., the associate professor of Case School of Medicine’s Obstetrics and Gynecology, believe there is little you can do to prevent stretch marks, while others feel you can take some simple steps to help avoid them. While studies as of 2010 haven’t proven any method as 100 percent successful, many moms believe it’s worth trying to avoid stretch marks.