Do You See What I See?
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Do You See What I See?

It is hard living in the world we live in. I find it so easy to see nothing but hate, sadness, tragedy, and despair. It is a cold and lonely place out there. We are all pitted against each other in a time when we would gain so much more if we were cheering for each other. This is why I choose not to live of this world but of another. I choose to live in my Father’s kingdom.

Do you see what I see? I see a world full of hearts performing random acts of kindness, just because. I see beauty in the different colors and cultures that this world is made of. I see wonder and innocence in the eyes of children. Do you see what I see? I see people deserving of love around every corner I turn. I see scholars, creatives, optimists, and believers walking down the streets. I see moms, dads, grandparents, children, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters all around me. I see dreams being made and goals being reached.

Do you hear what I hear? I turn on the news and I hear of people’s lives being taken by fires, famine, and war. I hear of hate crimes and racial accusations. I hear of elderly people being scammed out of their life savings. I hear of women, even children being raped and bullied. I hear of horrifying diseases spreading rampantly throughout towns and countries. I hear a whole lot of he said she said. I hear the news anchors scaring us into believing that we will soon be out of jobs and homes. I hear political sides accusing each other of stealing, lying and cheating. I hear of kids killing kids and killing themselves because the thought of living a full life in this world is too unbearable to think. I hear people who don’t believe in my God, hating people who do, and people who do, hating those that don’t. I hear racism and fear in voices who are afraid of difference and opposing beliefs.

Do you feel what I feel? I feel hope, because I know that God has my life under control (Ephesians 1:11). I feel love, because God sent his only son to die for me (John 3:16). I feel wonder because everything that I believe in is more than my simple mind can comprehend (John 20:29). I feel power because through Christ I can do anything (Matthew 19:26). I feel triumph because my war has already been won (Exodus 14:13-14). I feel rested and burden free because his yolk is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:29-30). I feel happy because God knows what my tomorrow brings (Proverbs 31:25).

Do you think what I think? I think that people should show love instead of hate. I think that the human race needs to grow up and stop blaming everything on one another’s color, culture, and religion. I think that we should teach our children, the new generation, how to love one another and support one another through actions and not words alone. I think that we should love each other because of our differences. I think we should live our lives by a simple code of respect and humility. I think that we should take joy in the small things in life and be thankful that we are even breathing.

Do you choose what I choose? I choose to love my neighbor. I choose to be a building block for others. I choose to raise my children with a smile and a hug. I choose to let my children learn the freedom of choice and the consequences that accompany. I choose not to judge the homeless man, the drug addict, the prostitute, the felon. I choose not to judge the tired looking mom in the store. I choose not to hate the person who loves the same sex. I choose to love my family everyday. I choose to forgive and forgive again. I choose not to be afraid of those who have different spiritual beliefs than me. Again, I choose to love my neighbor. I choose to overlook the negativity. I choose to break the mold, redirect the path, and stop the cycle. I choose patience. I choose not to fall for temptation and instant gratification. I choose to believe in something I can’t see. I choose to dream big. I choose to be a light to lead others to grace, mercy, forgiveness and love.

If we ever want to see a change in this world for the better, we have to start being better people. We have to stop blaming our problems on everything and everybody else and start looking at ourselves first. We have to stop believing everything we see and hear on the news. We have to stop fearing change and embrace it. We have to stop hating people whose views are not the same as ours. We have to stop judging others for their personal and spiritual choices and freedoms. We have to stop blaming everything on race and culture. Open your eyes and look around, this world is becoming blended and we are all still guilty of trying to draw lines between us. We need to have respect for one another, love one another, give to one another, and pray for one another. We need to stop being people of this world but striving to be people of a higher world, our Father’s world.

I see the best in people, I hear laughter, I feel forgiveness, I think joyfully, I choose LOVE. How about you?

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