Optifast Liquid Diet
3 mins read

Optifast Liquid Diet

Like many people, you may be fighting the battle of the bulge. Many mothers notice an increase in their weight as they age. According to Vanderbilt University, about 1 in 3 people in America are obese. With all the diet advertisements on TV, radio and the Internet, you may have a difficult time deciding how to lose weight. Many people decide to lose weight quickly by following a liquid diet regimen. One type of liquid diet, Optifast, might appeal to you.

The Origin of Optifast

Sandoz Nutrition developed Optifast in 1974, according to InterMountain Clinical Nutrition, a weight loss clinic. The Optifast program requires the close supervision of a trained physician. Manufactured by Novartis Nutrition Corporation, Optifast now includes a variety of soups and nutrition bars, as well as the pre-mixed drinks.


If you only want to lose a few pounds, look for a different diet product. Extremely obese individuals, who need to lose at least 50 lbs., may benefit from Optifast. If your excessive weight threatens your health and well-being, this diet may suit your needs. Intended for individuals who are obese and need to lose weight quickly, this diet can help you shed pounds. According to the company’s website, an average patient loses about 52 lbs. in 22 weeks, using Optifast.

How It Works

Optifast works by limiting your caloric intake. Consisting of four phases, this diet requires the supervision of your doctor. Your doctor will perform screening tests to check for health conditions and determine whether Optifast is right for you. After your screening, you will begin actively losing weight by consuming the liquid products. A transition stage after your active weight loss helps you reintroduce solid foods into your system and lifestyle. The last phase of the diet focuses on maintenance. To keep the pounds off, you need to practice healthy eating habits and make exercise an important part of your daily routine.


According to Vanderbilt University, Optifast contains 36 percent of the daily recommended amount of fiber. This fiber can cleanse the digestive system, absorb fats and help dieters feel full. The diet also provides 18 of 23 amino acids. These amino acids include enzymes, which help digest protein, as well as the eight essential amino acids, advises Vanderbilt University.

Possible Side Effects

Like all diets, this low-calorie diet can pose some risks. Your doctor will watch for the development of gallstones, something that often occurs in dieters who rapidly lose weight. You may also experience diarrhea, constipation, nausea and fatigue. These mild symptoms can resolve after the first few weeks of your Optifast diet. While supervising your diet, your doctor may offer some helpful advice in dealing with these symptoms, or he may decide to take you off the diet, depending on your health.

Photo Credit

  • need to diet image by Kimberly Reinick from Fotolia.com
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