3 mins read

Green Home Checklist

Having an eco-friendly or green home is key toward saving money on the costs of utilities while also respecting the Earth and its inhabitants, notes both Austin Energy and the local government website of Lake County, Calif. But determining whether a home truly is green can be a challenge, so its a good idea to learn exactly what to look for when you are renting or purchasing a green home.

2 mins read

Green Ideas for the Home

You do not need to live in a home built of re-purposed materials and lined with solar panels to go green. Small changes in your daily habits, home decor and landscaping have a dramatic impact on energy and water consumption, as well as the reduction of chemical use in your household. If going green feels overwhelming, begin with implementing one green idea for the home per week, such as switching from paper napkins to cloth napkins, and proceed from there.

5 mins read

Tips to Save Money at Home

If it feels like your expenses are growing faster than your income, a few simple strategies at home may keep more money in the bank account. Cutting back to save money often brings to mind meals of Ramen noodles, lighting the room with candles or huddling together for warmth. While these extremes are always an option, less drastic strategies save money across different spending areas, adding up to a significant savings.

3 mins read

How to Choose a Career Path

You’re ready, willing and able to start college, but you’re facing a quandary: choosing a career path. You’re not alone; according to Doug Hewitt, coauthor of “Free College: The Resource Book,” almost 30 percent of first year college students have no idea what major to claim. By narrowing your fields of interest, you’ll find it less complicated to choose a career path that will satisfy you.

2 mins read

Summer Family Fun Ideas

Summer is the perfect time for family fun. The kids are out of school, the weather is gorgeous and the days seem to last forever. According to Doug Hewitt, author of “The Practical Guide to Weekend Parenting,” summer activities give families the chance to bond without the day-to-day bustle of busy schedules. Planned or spontaneous, set aside a few hours or a few days and have some summer fun with your family.