3 mins read

Best Homemade Skin-Care Products

Using homemade skin-care products saves money, and using products found in your kitchen means you know exactly what goes onto your skin – and of the many reasons to make your own homemade skin-care products, those two top the list. The best homemade skin-care products are simple to make, meet your basic skin-care needs, and contain fresh ingredients and products readily available in your home.

2 mins read

Pubic Area Shaving Tips for Woman

Pubic shaving is part art, part science. If you just start down there with a razor, you could end up with razor bumps, ingrown hairs and painful nicks or cuts. Instead, you want to approach the task with the same knowledge as a spa hair removal technician. A few tips and tricks will get you that knowledge, along with the perfect bikini line.

3 mins read

Green Tea Beauty Benefits

Green tea is a natural, drinkable beauty solution that women of all ages can luxuriate in, whether as a cup of tea in the morning or as applied directly to the skin. Beauty product manufacturers embrace the beauty benefits of green tea by adding it to their products. Green tea and green tea extracts can be found in everything from eye cream and lotion to toner and face wash.

3 mins read

Best OTC Acne Products for Teen Males

Acne is an unfortunate part of puberty for many teenage males. Even though most people get a pimple now and then, your teenage son may find his acne to be embarrassing, particularly if it is all over his face and not just a blemish here and there. Help your teenager deal with his acne by giving him over-the-counter products that work to fight pimples and clear the skin. If OTC treatments don’t improve his acne within a few months, take him to see a doctor.

3 mins read

Easy Skin Care for Women

A report from market research company Packaged Facts estimated that the skin-care industry would be worth $7.2 billion annually by 2010. If you were to listen to all the ads trying to sell “essential” skin products to women, from “gentle” face washes to anti-aging super-serums, you could spend your entire day doing nothing but taking care of your skin. Skin care really doesn’t have to be that complicated.