2 mins read

The Best Colors to Wear for Photographs

The color you choose for a professional photograph session sets the tone for the portrait. Clothing worn in a photograph requires careful consideration to ensure that the end result will be pleasing to the eye. Finding clothing that you feel comfortable wearing and that photographs well can be a challenge. It is even further complicated if several people are in the photograph, as colors should be coordinated.

3 mins read

The Best Cardio Exercise to Lose Weight

The good news about losing weight through cardio is that the best exercises are the ones that you enjoy. Having some fun while you exercise is important. To lose weight through cardio, you have to devote yourself to an exercise program. Feel free to vary your cardio to keep things fresh. A good weight loss regimen through cardio is to lose 1 lb. each week, according to the Shape Fit website.

5 mins read

Fall Weekend Getaways: The 6 Best Campgrounds in America

Summer is coming to a close, and were all trying to fit in a little bit of last minute fun before the school year starts. Why not take advantage of the great summer weather and head outdoors! Camping is a great way to spend some quality time with your kids. It’s fun for the whole family… not to mention it’s significantly cheaper than other family vacations. Labor Day weekend is the perfect time to head out for some good old-fashioned time in the great outdoors. Check out ModernMom’s top picks for the most beautiful campgrounds in America: