4 mins read

Ideas to Get Your Kids More Exercise

It is a fact that kids spend way too much time exercising their fingers with a TV remote, cell phone, computer or video games and too little of it engaging in wholesome physical activity. But how do you peel your kids and teenagers away from these addictive, enticing and often mind-numbing activities and encourage them to stay healthy and physically active instead? It’s possible and it may not be all that difficult to do. Here are some ideas to get your kids more exercise.

4 mins read

Effects of Aging on Sex for Women

Engaging in sex is both a normal function and an enjoyable experience that is essential to a woman’s personal health as well helping to maintain a viable relationship with her spouse or partner. But as a woman ages, her attitudes about sex may change. How a woman feels physically as well as mentally can play a part in how aging affects her sex drive. Although aging often decreases a woman’s desire for sex, there are many things she can do to alter her libido and enhance her sexual experience.

8 mins read

Katie and Nicole: A Look at Pregnancy in Your Twenties vs. Your Forties, Part One

The personal histories of Nicole Kidman and Katie Holmes are forever linked–Nicole was once Mrs. Tom Cruise; Katie now holds that title. But these two members of Hollywood royalty have taken very different paths to building their families. Nicole, who has two adopted children, Connor and Isabella, is giving birth for the first time at 40, while Katie had her daughter Suri when she was age 27.