2 mins read

How to Calculate Your Weight Loss Goal

Setting a weight loss goal can help you to stick to your plan, but it’s a lot more complicated than picking a number on the scale. Your scale weight isn’t always indicative of your true health. Other methods, such as body fat, waist-to-hip ratio and dress size, combine to give you a full picture of the state of your health. Set goals in each area to calculate your weight loss goal. A bonus to setting goals this way is that you have many more milestones to celebrate.

1 min read

How to Calculate Your BMI

The body mass index (BMI) is a convenient formula used for identifying possible weight problems, typically in adults. Because BMI uses only height and weight, it is used on a chart that is the same for both men and women. Once you know your BMI, you can check it against the chart to determine whether your weight falls into the range for underweight, normal weight, overweight or obese. This will make it easier to set weight goals, whether the end results are to gain, lose or maintain your ideal weight range.

2 mins read

How to Calculate Daily Caloric Requirements

If you are on a diet, you may be confused as to the number of calories you need each day to lose weight. While recommended daily allowances give a ballpark amount that is sometimes divided into male and female categories, it is not difficult to determine that you may need and burn more calories than your 84-year-old grandmother who sits all day long. The formula used to compute caloric needs is the basal metabolic rate (BMR); it takes into account your weight, height and age as well as factors in your personal physical activity. This gives you a personalized amount of daily calories needed to maintain, lose or gain weight.

2 mins read

How to Calculate Your Ovulation Date

When a couple is struggling to conceive, knowing when to expect ovulation greatly increases their odds of conception. For eons, women have use the same method of counting days to predict their most fertile days. Unfortunately, that method only works for women who have regular, predictable menstrual cycles. But for a woman with irregular periods or a woman who doesn’t have periods, trying to predict when that magical day will be is a guessing game.

2 mins read

How to Calculate Nutritional Information

Nutritional information is provided on the packaged foods and beverages we buy from the grocery store. Produce and foods bought at specialty stores do not always come with an attached label, which makes figuring out nutritional values trickier. Moms who are trying to cook healthier meals for their families may be wondering about the nutritional values of their favorite recipes, and family’s favorite home-cooked meals. There are ways to figure out the calories, fat content, carbohydrate (fiber and sugar) as well as vitamin and mineral values in foods, with the right tools.