2 mins read

Foods That Increase Your Sex Drive

Since the time of the ancient Greeks people have believed that certain foods possess a unique quality to induce arousal. While most traditional aphrodisiacs are stimulating in appearance alone, it turns out that many foods have chemical properties that increase your sex drive. While some of these foods elevate the romantic mood for the night, others are capable of offering a long-term sexual boost.

1 min read

Father of Malawian Daughter Opposed to Madonna Adoption

/James Kambewa claims to be the father of the girl, Mercy James, who Madonna is fighting to adopt, according to the Associated Press. Kambewa says “I want to take care of her, and I’m capable of taking care of my baby.” Seems like a nice story except Kambewa has never met his daughter and his paternity has not been confirmed. Mercy has lived her entire four years in an orphanage. Madonna is appealing the court’s ruling that denied her request for adoption.

18 mins read

Why Homeschool?

LIKE most parents, I had always looked forward to the day when my children would finally enter school. During those early years of infancy and toddlerhood, when mothering feels like such a full-time job, I would assure myself that I would have a glimpse of my old life back …