1 min read

Age Defense from Skinn Cosmetics

While it's easy to stretch the truth about our age, unfortunately our skin is always more truthful. Luckily a few products are out there that can help take years off overnight. Introducing Skinn Cosmetics’ Collagenesis Deep Wrinkle Protocol Youth Capsules. These capsules feature an anti-aging peptide inspired by the immortal jellyfish (the only organism known to have an…

3 mins read

Allergies to Cosmetics

Many moms turn to cosmetics when they want to amp up their natural beauty a bit; however, in some cases, these cosmetics may do more harm than good. While some women can pile on cosmetics to their heart’s content without feeling any ill-effects, others experience allergic reactions to these beauty aids. If you find that your most recent experiment with cosmetics has left your skin a little irritated, it is quite possible that you, like many, suffer from a cosmetic allergy and may need to exercise a little more care when selecting your cosmetics in the future.

2 mins read

The Side Effects of Botox Cosmetics

Many women request Botox cosmetic treatments to reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles or to stop excessive underarm sweating, according to MedlinePlus and the Mayo Clinic. In some instances, Botox injections can also be used to treat painful symptoms associated with medical conditions. However, while Botox can smooth out your wrinkles, it poses certain dangers. Botox is made from the same bacterium that can cause botulism; the Botox treatment can potentially cause some unpleasant side effects.

2 mins read

List of Toxic-Free Cosmetics

A growing number of beauty-care companies have vowed not to use toxins or greatly reduce the amount of potentially toxic ingredients in their cosmetics and other beauty products, according to the Living Toxin Free website. Some moms may want to reduce their potential risk of cancer or birth defects in their future children by using toxic-free makeup; fortunately, women have a number of choices in the world of eco-friendly makeup.