2 mins read

Eyeshadow Beauty Tips

Properly applied eyeshadow should highlight the beauty of your eyes. You don’t want it to draw attention away from your eyes, but to enhance their natural attributes. Sloppy eyeshadow application can make you look older, worn out and detract from your appearance. Eyeshadow helps correct tired eyes, make your eyes look larger or smaller and make your natural eye color stand out.

4 mins read

Surgery Scar Healing

Whenever you are going to have surgery, scarring is going to happen. Although picking the right surgeon or simply having good genes will have a big impact on your results, you can take even more steps to ensure the best outcome possible regarding surgery scar healing. The wound healing process is delicate, and many factors contribute to the result, according to the Beauty Surge website.

7 mins read

What Life’s All About

Its Saturday night. Im in a strange bed. My hubby is next to me. My boys are in another bed, passed out cuddled up into each other, wiped from a day at the Zoo and running around. Im bloated and my jeans have left bruises on my hips (literally) from the tightness from all of this weeks eating, but Im as happy as a clam. Because at the end of the day, for me, family is what its all about.

2 mins read

Side Effects of the Alli Plan

Weight loss is difficult and often frustrating, but there are products marketed to help out in the war against fat. One of these, Alli, is typically considered quite effective and is an over-the-counter (OTC) version of the prescription drug Xenical. Unfortunately, Alli does have a number of side effects. You should inform yourself and consider whether the side effects are worth the boost in weight loss.