3 mins read

Beginner Pilates Exercises

Pilates is a burgeoning workout trend that delivers results through brief, intense exercises. The movements and holds associated with Pilates can strengthen, tone and sculpt the body without creating bulk. Susan Sarandon and Madonna are among the celebrities who swear by the physical and mental benefits of Pilates. Beginners should consult videos or photographs of the proper positioning for doing Pilates. As a precaution for any kind of exercise, always check with your physician before beginning a new program. And, remember to protect the neck and lower back while doing abdominal work.

2 mins read

Healthy Diet for Beautiful Skin

While genetics and environmental conditions are powerful determinants in the skin’s condition and appearance, a proper diet can give the skin a healthy glow. It can be challenging to maintain a balanced diet that delivers all the nutrients for a healthy body and complexion. Integrating a few key foods into your weekly menu, and see if you notice the results in your skin’s tone, texture and moisture content. Establish or maintain a daily sunscreen habit to maximize your skin’s healthy and beauty.