2 mins read

How to Grow a Miniature Orange Tree

The miniature orange tree, also known as Calamondin, is a native plant commonly harvested as a crop in the Philippines and China. It is an upright tree with very few thorns in its branches. In colder parts of the United States, Calamondin usually grows indoors as an ornamental miniature plant that produces fruits and fragrant flowers. In warmer parts of California and Florida, they can grow outdoors with extra care during colder months.

3 mins read

How Does Mercury Affect People?

Although mercury has been a well-known toxin for decades, it is only recently that studies have revealed the damaging effect mercury exposure can have on the brains and nervous systems of developing children. Knowing how to decrease your exposure to mercury during pregnancy is essential to preventing lasting neurological damage in your child.

2 mins read

How Does Spray Tanning Work?

Want a golden glow without the worries of cancer, wrinkles and dry skin? Spray tanning may be just the thing. A sunless alternative to achieving that “healthy glow,” spray tanning essentially dyes the color of your skin temporarily. The days of identifiable “fake bake” are in the past with this innovative product. Though it can be tricky to apply solo, spray tanning can have smooth, even results if used properly (and with a helpful assistant sprayer).