4 mins read

Infant Development at 17 Months

Your 17-month-old is not quite a baby and not a full-fledged toddler yet. Her language skills are emerging but aren’t sufficient for her to express her feelings, wants and needs. Her physical skills are also progressing quickly. She may be able to climb on anything and won’t remain confined to her stroller for long. And, that makes her tricky to keep up with!

3 mins read

Learning Games for Toddlers

Toddlers learn through active exploration and play in their daily lives. Many traditional childhood games provide opportunities for toddlers to practice their growing physical and cognitive skills. Learning games for toddlers are often simple and use items found in most homes. Sorting, counting, memory and large motor skills are common themes for learning games for toddlers.

2 mins read

Curriculum Ideas for Preschool

Preschool students continuously discover new ideas and concepts about the world around them. Choosing age-appropriate curriculum themes for preschool students will expand on the discoveries that are already taking place. Themes that allow for hands-on exploration and learning offer the best opportunities for preschool students. Many preschool curriculum ideas offer various subcategories for the classroom.

2 mins read

Signs of a Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the most exciting and stressful event in a woman’s life. Determining if what you’re feeling and experiencing is actually a pregnancy can be tricky. Many of the signs of early pregnancy can be attributed to other causes as well as pregnancy. Be sure to take a home pregnancy test if you suspect your pregnant and follow up with a health care provider if you are.