1 min read

About Natural Family Planning

Many couples desire to control the timing of pregnancy through purely natural means. These couples have chosen not to use pharmaceutical or barrier methods of birth control. To control whether or not a pregnancy is likely to occur, these couples will pay close attention to the woman’s cycle of ovulation and time sexual activity accordingly.

3 mins read

How to Donate Eggs to Infertile Couples

A woman gives one of the greatest gifts a parent could ever know when she decides to donate eggs to infertile couples. With fertility clinics paying tens of thousands of dollars per egg retrieval, egg donation can be quite lucrative for donors as well. But before delving into the egg-donation process, it is important to understand how egg donation happens to help determine whether it is for you.

2 mins read

Natural Ways to Make a Period Lighter & Shorter

Before attempting to make a period lighter and shorter, make an appointment with your gynecologist to rule out any underlying medical conditions. The heavy menstrual bleeding, called menorrhagia, could be the result of hormones being imbalanced or as a side effect of an IUD or medication, according to the Mayo Clinic. Schedule your annual gynecological visit if you missed your last one, or revisit your physician to alleviate any concerns that a heavy period is not a symptom of a more serious condition. Long and heavy periods that are merely an annoyance may be treated at home with natural remedies. When natural remedies do not work, consider birth control pills that are not natural but are proven to lighten heavy periods.