3 mins read

Romantic Date Night Ideas

Date nights can help maintain the spark in any relationship. Many couples experience the fizzling of their initially explosive union as they deal with the drudgeries of day-to-day living. While you can’t really quit your job and focus all your attention on your budding love, you can prevent your romantic flame from extinguishing by planning and implementing romance-inducing date nights.

3 mins read

Birthday Party Location Ideas

Location, location, location–the old business mantra holds true for memorable birthday parties as well. The venue you choose for a birthday party affects your choice of food, activities, decorations–even the time and date of your party. The right birthday party location can reduce your planning work and turn the gathering into a treasured birthday memory.

3 mins read

Remedies for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness is an unfortunately common first trimester occurrence for many moms-to-be. For some women, this nausea is only a minor annoyance, while for others it is a debilitating disorder. If you suffer from morning sickness, you are far from alone. While nothing can completely eliminate the pregnancy queasiness, you can try a host of things to make your symptoms a bit less severe and allow yourself to enjoy the start of your pregnancy without the hassle of incessant nausea.

3 mins read

Hanukkah Safety Tips

Hanukkah is a time for celebration with family. Unfortunately, it is also an occasion filled with health and safety risks, which can put a damper on holiday tradition. But despite the extra hazards present at this time of year, following some simple common sense tips can help keep you and your family safe and healthy throughout your Hanukkah festivities.

3 mins read

3 Ways to Talk to Kids About Fire Safety

Holidays and celebrations often include good fires, including birthday candles, fireworks, campfires and fireplaces. Enjoyment of these good fires, combined with a kid’s natural curiosity about fire, can set up a deadly scenario, especially when a child finds matches or lighters. Children ages 5 and under make up 63 percent of fatal fire deaths, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). Most of those deaths are caused by a child playing with found lighters and matches. The United States Fire Administration (USFA) encourages parents to start fire safety education early. Children in preschool and kindergarten are the age group that engages in dangerous fire play, and are often seriously injured or killed by the fires, according to the NFPA.