Remedies for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy
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Remedies for Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

Morning sickness is an unfortunately common first trimester occurrence for many moms-to-be. For some women, this nausea is only a minor annoyance, while for others it is a debilitating disorder. If you suffer from morning sickness, you are far from alone. While nothing can completely eliminate the pregnancy queasiness, you can try a host of things to make your symptoms a bit less severe and allow yourself to enjoy the start of your pregnancy without the hassle of incessant nausea.

Bland Foods

If morning sickness hits you hard, consider giving up spicy and rich foods. Bland foods commonly produce less morning sickness as they are easier for your body to digest. While you might dismay at having to go without your hot chicken wings or spicy fiesta casserole, it is likely worth it if it means you can skip the daily nausea.

Fresh Air

Ending your morning sickness could be as simple as stepping outside, reports Harvard Pilgrim Health Care. Many women find that fresh air alleviates their morning sickness. If you find yourself becoming queasy as a result of noxious smells, remove yourself from the presence of the odor. You will most probably feel much better.


For centuries, women have depended upon the almost mythical power of ginger. Ginger ale, ginger tea or even tasty gingerbread cookies can help calm your restless tummy, reports MedlinePlus, an informational website sponsored by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Trade your morning cup of coffee for a soothing ginger brew and spend less time feeling ill.

Sea Bands

Sea Bands are a clinically proven, acupuncture-based nausea cure that, while initially intended for sailing use, can help pregnant women, reports the American Pregnancy website. These bands are completely drug-free, meaning that using them will have no impact on your little bundle of joy. To benefit from the use of these tools, the mom-to-be will need simply to wrap the band around her wrist and go about her day.

Preggie Pop

Preggie pops are a drug-free and doctor-recommended remedy to morning sickness, according to American Pregnancy website. These lollipops come in a plethora of flavors and provide moms-to-be with a tasty way to extinguish their morning sickness. Suck on one of these candied remedies when you feel your nausea coming. Enjoy a sugar-sweet taste and tummy-pleasing morning sickness relief.

Vitamin B6

Adding some vitamin B6 to your diet may make your mornings a little brighter, according to MedlinePlus. Moms-to-be can add vitamin B6-heavy foods, like whole grains, nuts and seeds, to their diet to experience the benefits of this nutrient. While vitamin B6 supplements are available, ask your doctor before taking them because you do not want to take any drugs during pregnancy without first consulting your physician.

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