3 mins read

How Many Times Can Someone Take the Plan B Pill?

The Plan B pill is emergency contraception that can be used up to 72 hours after a birth control failure or unprotected sex. Plan B is Levonorgestrel taken in two doses 12 hours apart. Women over 18 can purchase Plan B from their pharmacist without a prescription, making it a safe and accessible option when you are concerned about the possibility of pregnancy. Learn the risks of Plan B, the benefits, and how and when to use Plan B.

3 mins read

Signs of Allergies to Infant Formula

If you introduce infant formula to your baby, you’ll probably want to be on the alert for signs of an allergy, especially if allergies run in your–or the baby’s father’s–family. Most infant formula includes cow’s milk or soy products in the ingredients. In cases of infant formula allergies, cow’s milk protein is the most common allergen. Still, allergies to formula are not all that common; according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, less than 3% of babies in the United States have an allergy to milk protein. Since half of the babies who are sensitive to cow’s milk protein also turn out to react badly to soy, soy-based formula is not necessarily the solution if your baby does turn out to have a dairy allergy. Check with your baby’s physician before switching to a hypoallegenic formula. It may reassure you to know that there’s good chance your baby will outgrow an allergy to infant formula within a few years.

4 mins read

Thinking Ahead about Autism

Thinking Ahead about Autism   What do I mean? I’m talking about planning. Planning because you have a child with autism. This is more than planning for an event or a trip because you just have kids. I mean to take it one step further because you need to think a little more about your…

21 mins read

101 Ways to Make a Difficult Divorce Easier on Your Children

The following is a list of things you can do to make your children’s lives easier after a divorce. Read these tips as reminders of what you and your co-parent should be doing to ease the stress of divorce on your children. Remember that the reason why you should do these things is that if you don’t your children will join the ranks of those who become emotionally hurt by the process of divorce.