3 mins read

Are Chinese Mothers Really Superior?

“A lot of people wonder how Chinese parents raise such stereotypically successful kids. They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies,” writes Amy Chua in her provocative new book ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’. “Well I can tell them because I’ve done it.” And, with that statement, Chua sparked a rather heated debate about whose parenting style is best – Eastern or Western mothers?

3 mins read

Management of Diabetes in Children

Although type 1 diabetes was once a death sentence, research has come a long way in creating new treatments and ways to manage the disease. The best way for you to help your child is to get him on a regimen that includes the proper medication, a heart-healthy diet, regular visits to the doctor and plenty of physical activity to ensure that he is able to lead a normal life.

4 mins read

Drugs to Boost Female Sex Drive

Men have the option of using prescription drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, making it possible for them to perform in the bedroom. However, drugs to boost female sex drive are so scant as to be nonexistent. According to MayoClinic.com, the reason for this is that a woman’s low libido cannot be cured with a pill. Your desire to have sex depends on many different things, such as your physical and emotional health — and the strength of your relationship with a spouse or partner.

6 mins read

Five Tips to Curb Your Child’s Cheating Ways

As technology has evolved to provide a vast wealth of information at anytime, anywhere, cheating has never been easier. From classmates receiving completed homework via a mass Email to answers popping up on I-Phones during a test, cheating has become as simple as text messaging. Here are five ways to prevent your teenagers from falling to such temptation, assuring that they are attending school to learn rather than to learn how to cheat.

6 mins read

Five Tips to Curb Your Child’s Cheating Ways

As technology has evolved to provide a vast wealth of information at anytime, anywhere, cheating has never been easier. From classmates receiving completed homework via a mass Email to answers popping up on I-Phones during a test, cheating has become as simple as text messaging. Here are five ways to prevent your teenagers from falling to such temptation, assuring that they are attending school to learn rather than to learn how to cheat.