3 mins read

What is Croup?

It’s not unusual to hear someone remark, “Oh, he sounds so croupy,” upon hearing your young child’s loose, rattling cough. Medically speaking, however, this isn’t accurate. Croup isn’t characterized by a phlegmy-sounding cough; instead it’s associated with a sharp, barking cough. While this symptom alone can often be used to identify croup, there are other symptoms and risk factors that can lead you to a diagnosis of croup. Knowing the progression of symptoms and how to treat them can ease your mind and your child’s discomfort.

4 mins read

Remedies for Colds in Infants Under One Year Old

Colds are common in infants under one year old. A parent may feel helpless when her infant is congested, coughing and stuffy. The dangers of over-the-counter cold medications have been identified recently, creating more confusion about caring for a sick infant. There are many safe alternatives to help alleviate some of the symptoms caused by a cold in infants.