2 mins read

Hand Pain & High Blood Pressure

Hand pain and high blood pressure are potentially serious conditions in themselves but they are especially serious when they occur together, according to the National Diabetes Clearinghouse and the American Heart Association. Determining what is causing your hand pain and/or high blood pressure is an important step, as sometimes these symptoms indicate a life-threatening situation.

3 mins read

Pregnancy Tips for Easier Labor

Now that the initial excitement of being pregnant and wanting to welcome your new baby into the world has subsided, you may be experiencing that next common pregnant emotion of fear. Fear of just how the baby is going to come out. This fear happens to new moms and experienced moms, as every labor and delivery experience is different. You can conquer this fear and take steps throughout your pregnancy to increase the chances that your labor will be easy and a positive experience.

2 mins read

How Do I Help a Baby Sleep at High Altitude?

It’s difficult to tell how your baby will react to high altitudes. Some babies handle plane trips and high-altitude destinations with no problems at all. Some have mild ear-pressure related discomfort. About 25 percent will experience will experience altitude sickness, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics. The key to getting your baby to sleep under these conditions is to keep him comfortable and try to regulate the pressure in his ears.

2 mins read

How to Potty Train Little Boys

Little boys take longer to potty train than little girls, though doctors still aren’t entirely sure of the reason, reports the Baby Center website. This may make your job more difficult, but you can be sure that one day, your son will get the hang of it. Customize your approach to fit your son’s needs and interests. If he’s excited about using the potty, there’s a better chance that he’ll want to use it. This makes your job a great deal easier.

3 mins read

7 Most Popular New Year’s Resolutions

While most people don’t always manage to stick to their New Year’s resolutions, I am all for making goals and trying to reach them. What’s wrong with striving to improve your imperfections or change some bad habits?With that said, here are some of the most popular New Year’s resolutions I’ve come across and some advice on how to actually achieve them: