3 mins read

Information on Teen Pregnancy

According to Women’s Health Channel, approximately 33 percent of teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 years old become pregnant each year in the United States. Of those pregnancies, 80 percent are unplanned. Despite the decline in teen pregnancy from 1991 to 2005, the rate actually increased by 3 percent between 2006 and 2007. Currently, Hispanic girls make up the highest percentage of teenage mothers with the most significant decline occurring in African-American girls.

4 mins read

10 Ways to Make a Budget

While many financial experts recommend making a budget, the fact is that a budget is not a one-size-fits-all phenomenon. Luckily, there are many options for creating a budget, affording you the opportunity to set small goals on the way to making life’s bigger goals. Choose the type of budget that suits your lifestyle, and you have a far greater chance of being successful in following it.

3 mins read

Is it Safe to Diet During Pregnancy?

Gaining weight during pregnancy is nearly unavoidable, though much of it can be attributed to carrying extra fluid in your body in addition to the weight of the baby itself. That being said, a woman who is already overweight may dread the idea of gaining extra pounds, or she may be concerned about the effect of her weight on her pregnancy and delivery. For those reasons, many women are tempted to diet while pregnant. The reasoning may seem logical, but is it safe?