4 mins read

Shortcuts To A Cleaner House

They’re not kidding when they say a mother’s work is never done. Life sometimes feels like one long list of things to do, chores to tackle, and kiddy crises to tend to. It’s like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole - just as you finish one task, another one pops up unexpectedly. As your to-do list…

3 mins read

Teen and Tween Room Decorating Ideas

Let’s face it: Tween and teen girls are not all that easy to handle. At that age, my room was my own private sanctuary where I’d listen to records, flip through Tiger Beat and YM (wow am I dating myself or what?), play around with makeup and my curling iron, gossip with my friends on the phone, have sleepovers and do my homework. More importantly, when I was in a bad mood, I’d be out of my parents’ hair.

6 mins read

ModernMom Chronicles: Chapter Nineteen

It took the promise of a one year Club Penguin membership to pacify Kaitlin into having the play date with the new girl. It was the right thing to do, Heather thinks. Anyone who says that they dont bribe their children is either lying or miserable. Good luck, Michael says that morning as Kaitlin stands pouting in the kitchen.